Tau, Now With Human Auxilliries In The Box

So Deffrolla Dan came by last night with a box of fire warriors to use as slaves on his looted wagon. He was all set to use a couple of them and sell the rest to my brother Jordan. Until he opened the box and found eight fire warriors and five cadian shock troops in the box that is. After the initial "WHAT!" moment he decided getting five guardsmen was a net increase of one model and was happy about it, but seriously, how do two fire warrior sprues and a cadian sprue get mixed up like that?

After that Dan worked on his wagon a little more and it's turning out to be really orky looking... in a looted tau sorta way...

I got the elmer's glue and sand put on my last games day arena and will hopefully get it mostly painted up tonight.

Waiting for watered down glue to dry in cracks takes forever.....

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