My Brother's Youngbloods Entry

This is my 14 year old brother Jon's Brother Claudio. He worked on it for about a week leading up to games day. I never made it through the golden demon lines but I heard he made first cut with it and am extremely proud. Since moving in with me he has been working on his painting skills and his new blood angel army is most likely going to be the best looking army in the house pretty soon. Not bad for the kid who build his models with gorilla glue not loo long ago! The base is even magnetized so he can still play with it in his space hulk set. He is planning on painting the rest of his space hulk up to this standard and honestly I cant wait to see the rest!


  1. I love this paintjob. Jon kept his color palette pretty limited which helps a lot on this really busy model (really only the light blue shoulder lens stands out a bit. maybe change it to the green or purple?). The lining and paint shows hes really improving his control. I can't wait to see what he does with the rest of his blood angels.

  2. Love it, if I get half way as good as this for my Relictor Claudio, i'd be very happy. Looking forward to seeing more of the 'lil Bro's work. Will you post here or is he taking the Blog leap too...

  3. He is not too big on the idea of having his own blog right now. I Have been posting various project of his from time to time and it's pretty amazing too see how far he has come in such a short time. I just stripped 4 layers of paint off of his first tyranids the other day and that was his painting standard a year ago. He has been scouring lately looking for ways to improve even further.
